Editorial Cities are a part of our history; they reflect our likes and dislikes, our fashions and technologies, our wealth and poverty. One of man’s greatest achievements on earth is undoubtedly the city, which is not a recent phenomenon but dates back many centuries. As a physical entity, each city possesses a distinct form which, […]


Black and white, yin-yang, positive-negative are some contrasts that bring about a wholesome balance. Such is the outdoor-indoor relationships of a building and its immediate outdoor environment at a basic level. The landscape professional sees the entire city as an urban landscape, while the architect translates the same city to be a built environment. By […]


By Zeena Marikkar To most people, cities seem to merely provide shelter and places for working, shopping, education and perhaps recreation. What is often not mentioned is the emotional appeal of a city – that unexplainable, spiritual attachment which helps to provide a sense of stability in a changing world. It is a feeling of […]


A city is not defined by one street or one building, but there are always some streets that seem to capture the essence of a city – its vibrancy, its character and its very pulse. While there may never be wide-scale agreement on which street epitomises the character of Colombo, The Architect chose to turn […]


Most cities in Asia are synonymous with density, with a high concentration of people and buildings within a small area. This density is sometimes planned, as it helps to effectively use resources such as transportation and other public services – the closer we are to such amenities, the lower the cost of its provision and […]


Water’s Edge has fast become a recreational landmark of distinction in Sri Lanka. Nandike Samaranayake explores the compromises, challenges, and characteristics of this unique facility designed by Architect Murad Ismail.


Kandy is considered one of South Asia’s leading historical cities.The inner city consists of a beautiful lake and sits proudly beside the former royal palace that today plays host to the world-famous Temple of the Tooth. Kandy has also garnered UNESCO World Heritage City status, highlighting the importance of this metropolis.


Architect Harsha Fernando has his own architectural practice. In this interview with The Architect they discuss the changing face of an Asian City and the importance of embracing urban design and planning as part of a sustainable future. Photography by Varuna Liyanage

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