One cannot always find an architect who has the insight and skills to conceive appropriate ideas for spatial interventions and can produce them to meticulous detail.


Shipping containers – commodities of globalisation; self-sustainable, lockable cabins; are breaking new ground in the developing world as disaster shelters, housing for the urban poor, as community facilities and as urban infrastructure.


Urban parks are an increasingly popular concept that has revitalized the main townships of Colombo.


Interior decoration is often used to enliven space. It is contrived towards enhancing space; it can set the mood, create genial vibes in an internal environment and has a direct bearing on human psychology. Its need is strongly felt today with technological advancements, tough targets and stringent timelines that have resulted in high levels of […]


Sri Lankan tourism and leisure industries have shown significant growth in the recent years. The island is a popular tourist destination with its clear seas, golden beaches, central hills and historic sites.


Religious buildings always played a significant role in the organizational structure of ancient civilizations. Indulgence in prayer and reflection provided relief from day to day suffering, calamities and sorrow that engulfed various communities from time to time.


Post-war development activities are generating a lot of interest around the island as barricades are lifted and cities are made accessible and aesthetically appealing…


Sri Lanka is at crossroads. After a 30 year conflict that brought great hardships to the people and endless destruction to its built-environment, Sri Lanka has finally emerged victorious in bringing the avalanche of social, cultural and environmental catastrophes of the past 30 years to a complete halt.

Explore Sri Lanka Business Today Serendib Target Architect